Jaguar UGV Patrol Gaza, LY-80 Failed, Type 99 Tank, Pak VT-4 Tank, Su57 vs F-35

The Sukhoi-57 Fighter's Two Hypersonic Missiles That Could Ruin American F-35 Operations

The fighter is set to replace the Sukhoi-27 Flanker and its many advanced derivatives in frontline service over the coming decades, and will integrate a number of sixth generation technologies such as artificial intelligence, laser weapons and powerful Saturn 30 engines - all of which are currently being tested for integration onto the airframe.

It has gained considerable attention for features including its three dimensional thrust vectoring engines, its unprecedentedly large internal weapons capacity and its laser defence systems.

While the Sukhoi-57 combat capabilities make it a leading potential challenger for new American designs, namely the F-35A and the upcoming F-X sixth generation fighter, an assessment of the aircraft's weaponry, and in particular the two classes of hypersonic missile it fields, indicate a potential to seriously disrupt and potentially collapse altogether combat operations by American stealth fighters without engaging them directly. Such a capability is particularly useful considering that the Sukhoi-57 is expected to be overwhelmingly outnumbered in the event of a major war with NATO.

The hypersonic weapons in question are the Kh-47-M2 Kinzhal air launched ballistic missile and the R-37M air to air missile - both of which are expected to be integrated onto the Sukhoi-57 before 2025.

Pakistan’s poor quality Made In China missiles ‘not working’

In response to India’s robust air defense capabilities, Pakistan had inducted a Chinese made Low to Medium Altitude Air Defence System (LOMADS) LY-80 on March 12 this year. However, in a major embarrassment to Pakistan, the low-quality Chinese made missiles are reportedly ‘not working.’

The Chinese technicians are in Pakistan for the past two months making an attempt to repair the systems. To add to it, Pakistan has placed an order for six more such systems. LOMADS LY-80 capability includes intercepting and destroying aerial targets flying at low and medium altitudes. Pakistan has deployed the LOMADS at nine locations in the country with a Chinese technician team sent to each of these locations to fix the systems.

As per report, Pakistan is desperate for the Air Defence System and has signed a contract with China for six more of such systems.

Why Chinese ‘Hunter-Killer’ Tanks Present Big Challenge To India

China, which perceives India direct competitors in the regional and global order, is increasingly upgrading its military arsenal with newer and advanced technologies.

The ZTZ 99A, also known as Type 99A, is one of China’s latest main battle tanks, with better firepower capabilities and anti-tank missiles.

Meanwhile, India operates third generation Russian made T-90 while Chinese One of the most advanced battle tanks, Type-99 is a product of the military modernization of PLA.

It comes with improved gun carriers, a more powerful 1500 hp engine along with an integrated propulsion system, an independent commander’s sight, and a laser warning receiver.

In February 2021, Type 99A was deployed at high altitude border frontiers, near Karakoram Pass, amid the border standoff with India poses huge security threat to India.

Israel Military Deploys HighTech ‘Jaguar’ Robot To Patrol Gaza Border

Israel has reportedly developed a high-tech semi-autonomous unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) to gain an advantage over asymmetrical warfare.

Called ‘Jaguar’, the Israel Defense Forces claim it to be “one of the first military robots in the world that can substitute combat soldiers”.

This new semi-autonomous robotic ‘Jaguar’ system will be able to detect and destroy enemy targets remotely. It will be equipped with antitank 7.62 mm MAG machine gun, high resolution cameras, state-of-the-art communication transmitters, powerful headlights, and a remote-controlled PA system for operational purposes.

While the command and control of firing at the target will be purely manual and according to human discretion.

Pakistan Army inducts first batch of Chinese VT-4 battle tanks

The Pakistan Army has formally inducted the first batch of the China made VT 4 battle tanks into its armoury.

Produced by Chinese state-owned armoured vehicle manufacturer, Norinco, the delivery of VT-4 tanks from the manufacturer began in April last year. Pakistan is the third country to have bought these tanks from China after Thailand and Nigeria.

The Army after its on-field tests in September last year had said the tanks would be employed in an offensive role by strike formations after induction. “The VT 4 is compatible with any modern tank in the world integrating advanced armour protection, manoeuvrability, firepower capabilities and state-of-the-art technology.

Pakistan has been buying various weapons from China which has become its reliable partner in the defence field.

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