Showing posts with label Tejas clears Air Refuelling Certification. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tejas clears Air Refuelling Certification. Show all posts

Tejas clears IFR Certification, Pak Inducts VT-4, 4 Submarines In Race For P75I, HTFE-25 Turbofan Engine For HJT-36

The 4 Submarines Competing For The Indian Navy’s P 75I Program

There are four contenders for the Indian navy’s next generation P75I submarine. They are currently submitting design proposals to the Indian Government. Whatever the outcome the boats are expected to all be built in India.

The four contenders are the Barracuda from France, the S80-Plus from Spain, DSME 3000 from South Korea and Amur design from Russia. Germany had also been a contender but recently said that they dropped out. All of the contenders have their merits and it is likely to be a tough choice for the Indian Navy.

The Indian Navy’s detailed requirements have not been shared. Based on reports and analysis of their current capabilities, investments and threat focuses, two things seems sure. The first is that P75I will have AIP (air independent power). The second is that they would prefer a VLS to launch Brahmos anti-ship missiles. Taken together, the P75I will have to be much larger than previous Indian navy’s conventional submarines.

Both the AIP and VLS will present challenges and difficult decisions. Like all major submarine projects, trade-offs will have to get made. India has developed its own fuel cell AIP which it is planning to fit to the current French designed Kalvari Class Submarines. This is a logical choice for the P75I also, particularly from the perspective of indigenous industry. However the Indian Navy is likely to be very interested in the AIP already available with the designs. Incorporating the local AIP would increase development risks, and close off opportunities to access better AIP systems.

The VLS will be a challenge because all the contenders are relatively small boats. It is unclear how dependent the contract will be on a VLS, or whether alternative missile options will be considered.

1.     Barracuda Class Submarine: France’s Naval Group is believed to be offering a diesel-electric version of their Barracuda nuclear submarine. The nuclear version is already in service with the French Navy (Marine Nationale) as the Suffren Class. Being from the same lineage as the Kalvari Class currently being built in India, it can be seen as a strong contender. The diesel-electric version could have some design features from the SMX-3.0 design. This was exhibited at DEFEXPO in India in 2020. This may include the sail-mounted hydroplanes (as opposed to hull mounted on Suffren) and AIP. The French AIP system uses fuel-cells with a diesel reformer to eliminate the need for onboard hydrogen storage. It has been shore tested for years. Perhaps the largest design advantage of the Barracuda is simply its size. The hull diameter of around 8.5 meters is the largest of the competitors. This should make it comparatively less challenging to fit a VLS, even with the massive Brahmos missile. The related SMX Ocean concept already has a VLS, and the baseline Barracuda class can anyway launch MdCN land-attack cruise missiles. Other noteworthy features of the French design are likely to include X-form rudders and a pump-jet. This latter feature may also be of interest in India’s nuclear submarine projects. We can speculate that French nuclear submarine technologies and/or access to extra-large uncrewed underwater vehicle (XLUUV) technologies, may also be a factor. Naval Group recently revealed that they have had an XLUUV demonstrator in the water since last year.

2.     DSME-3000: South Korea’s Missile Submarine South Korea has recently spread its wings and entered the submarine export game, selling boats to Indonesia. They are understood to be proposing an export version of their home-grown KSS-III design. This is a relatively large non-nuclear boat, likely second only to the Barracuda. The type comes with German based fuel-cell AIP. The layout, with a hull section essentially dedicated to AIP, suggests that it would not be too challenging to swap it for the Indian alternative. And South Korea is ahead of most countries in the race to fit lithium-base battery technology to submarines. This promises to extend the endurance of submarines when running on batterie. Naturally this may be attractive to the Indian Navy, even potentially diminishing the importance of AIP. Its differentiating feature is that it already comes with a six or ten round VLS. In South Korean service this is expected to carry the Hyunmoo 4-4 missile, which is roughly equivalent to India’s K-15 Sagarika but without a nuclear option. While exact dimensions and weights are not available, this at least implies that it could accommodate the similarly sized Brahmos. Carrying a VLS in such a small submarine likely needs some trade-offs, like fewer weapons slots in the regular torpedo room. But overall the South Korean design seems balanced and highly capable.

3.     Spain’s New Entrant, S-80 Plus: Another new country to submarine exports, Spain’s Navantia is offering a variant of their latest S-80 plus design. This is a larger boat than the Scorpene design (per India’s Kalvari Class), but smaller than the South Korean or French options. The AIP is a fuel-cell system with bio-ethanol reformer. So like the French system there is no need for hydrogen storage. Currently Spain’s S-80 Plus boats are not running with AIP, but the system is being tested and should go to sea in the next few years. It is unclear whether Navantia is proposing a VLS. The design was always intended to be compatible with land-attack cruise missiles shot from the torpedo tubes.

4.     The Russian Option, Amur: Essentially the export versions of the Lada Class, the Amur family of submarines has been offered for several years. Russia already has strong ties with the Indian Navy and some related Kilo Class submarines are still in their service. The Amur shares some lineage to the Kilo but features a single-hull configuration. Despite having the smallest hull diameter of the contenders (1.5 meters less than the Barracuda), design models have frequently shown a VLS. This seems to have been for smaller Kalibr sized weapons rather than the Brahmos however. Another challenge for the Amur designs could be AIP. Russia has yet to develop an AIP system for its Lada Class. Possibly the Indian AIP system is key to the proposal. Like France, Russia may be seen as having a ‘home advantage’ because of the strong historic relationship. There have been reports that Russia views this as an opportunity to joint-develop the next generation of non-nuclear submarine. How this sits with other reports of the same thing with China remains unclear.

Tejas clears IFR Certification, 7th FOC aircraft ready

Tejas Mk1 fleet has now been cleared to undergo air to air refuelling after it was granted certification for inflight refuelling process after it demonstrated air to air refuelling in its extensive trials since 2018.

Tejas Mk1 using hose and drogue system mounted on the ilyushin IL-78MKI Tanker has cleared all trials and also has demonstrated buddy-buddy aerial refuelling with Sukhoi 30MKI.

Cobham supplied refuelling probe was first used on a modified limited series production aircraft ( LSP 8) aircraft in 2018 when it begin series of “dry” contacts trials before the first fuel transfer took place later in the same year.

All 16 final operational clearance (FOC) Tejas Mk1 are being equipped with an inflight refuelling probe and gradually it will also be equipped on 16 initial operational clearance standard jets and will come as standard on all 73 Tejas Mk1A recently ordered by IAF.

LA-5023 (SP-27) that could be the 7th final operational clearance (FOC) standard jet is currently being prepped for its first flight. HAL is also in the process of carrying out final integration on SP-28, SP-29, and SP-30, while SP-31, SP-32, and SP-33 are still on the assemble rig.

HAL counting on HJT-36 success for HTFE-25 Turbofan application

HALL has started groundwork to flight certify the HTFE-25 engine before 2025 and is planning to start integration of the engine possibly on the company owned Hawk-I AJT or on the Limited Series Production HJT-36 aircraft in 2022 onwards.

HAL has been developing an HTFE-25, a 25 kilo Newton dry thrust Engine since 2013 and completed its first engine core inaugural run in 2015. HTFE-25 once certified can be used on 5 tons weight class aircraft in single engine configuration and on aircraft of up to nine tons weight class with twin engine configuration.

HAL is planning to replace Russia’s NPO Saturn supplied AL-55 (17.3 kilo Newton) turbofan engines that are presently used to power HAL developed HJT-36 Intermediate Jet trainer aircraft.

HJT-36 Prototype is back in the air after going through massive changes to the tail section so that it will be able to clear spin trials that were one of the key criteria of the Indian Air Force before it decides to rejoin the program and places orders for the jet.

In 2019, HAL had offered to develop an afterburning variant of the HTFE-25 that could have lead to the development of the HTFE-40 engine for which HAL had requested funds from the MoD-IAF so that it can be used to power a small fleet of Jaguar strike aircraft.

Pakistan Army Formally Inducts China’s ‘Most Powerful’ Main Battle Tank VT-4 Amid Tensions With India

Pakistan Army has formally commissioned VT4 main battle tank. The VT 4 will add to Pakistan’s defensive capabilities amid simmering tensions with India.

The VT 4 is very similar to the Type 99G which is used by the Chinese Army, however, it has reduced capabilities in terms of engines, guns and other combat capabilities.

The VT4 MBT is equipped with a fully stabilized 125mm smoothbore gun, The tank is capable of shooting armoured piercing fin stabilized discarding sabot (APFSDS), high explosive anti-tank (HEAT).

It can carry up to four missiles which have a range of 5000 meters. The tank is also equipped with a coaxial 12.7mm machine gun. The tank’s design has a striking similarity with the Soviet era T-72.



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