Showing posts with label Tejas Mk2 By 2025. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tejas Mk2 By 2025. Show all posts

Tejas AMCA Order, Ak-203 Deal Done, Russia China Zapad 2021, Indonesia For KF-21

China and Russia Demonstrate Unprecedented Interoperability With First Ever Joint Command & Control System in Zapad 2021 Drills

China and Russia demonstrated unprecedented levels of interoperability in the five-day Zapad 2021 military exercises, which concluded on August 13 and for the first time saw forces from both countries used a joint command and control system.

During the exercises Russian troops were integrated into larger Chinese formations and carried out operations planned by the Chinese People’s Liberation Army.

Russian units also for the first time used armoured assault vehicles, infantry fighting vehicles and other significant battle equipment provided by the PLA. Forces involved came from both the PLA’s Western Theatre Command and Russia’s Eastern Military District, with 10,000 personal taking part in the exercises.

The two sides demonstrated unprecedented levels of coherence, military drills are increasingly aimed at enhancing battlefield interoperability.

India Russia defence deal gets go ahead: AK-203 assault rifles to be made in India

After over a year of negotiation, India and Russia have agreed to the terms for the manufacture of the AK-203 assault rifle in Uttar Pradesh. The announcement had been made over a year ago, but the negotiations were prolonged.

The manufacture of the AK-203 in India is another triumph for indigenous production. Lakhs of the Kalashnikov assault rifle will be made here, now that the differences between Russia and India have been sorted out. Now, the weapons will be manufactured by a firm called Indo Russian Private Limited.

There will be a transfer of technology, and importantly, no royalty for weapons made. Under the just worked out agreement, the cost of the rifle will come down, and for now, the quantity.

The AK-203, a successor of the famous AK-47. After the 1.2 million strong Army gets it– the AK-203 will be a basic weapon for the troops–it could go to the central police forces as well.

South Korean KF-21 Fighter Jet Hogs Global Limelight After Key Partner Rejoins Program

Indonesia has reaffirmed its commitment to the South Korea led KF-21 fighter jet program, which promises to offer a cheaper alternative to the US F-35 stealth fighter jet.

South Korea unveiled a prototype of the KF-21 Boramae Hawk, the country’s first indigenous semi stealth fighter jet, in April this year. Seoul and Jakarta had in 2015 agreed to invest $7.6 billion on the program, with Jakarta paying 20% of development costs in return for access to technologies.

In view of the Chinese belligerence in the South and East China seas, Indonesia intends to procure 50 KF-21s. Jakarta is also looking to procure air defense and strike variants that Korea Aerospace Industries is working on.

Indonesia’s priority is to protect its maritime borders from Chinese aggression.

Indonesia has also begun defense collaboration with Japan in March. This move has paved towards military exports for the Indonesian Armed Forces from Japan.

LCA-AF MK2 / AMCA Order ratio could change

Indian Air force has put on paper purchase commitment for 170 LCA-AF MK2 and 120 5th generation AMCA fighter jets some time back with the DRDO and ADA (Aeronautical Development Agency) but this ratio will change depending on how Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) can deliver and manage its order book for the LCA-AF MK2 that is facing rollout and first flight delays already due to the pandemic situation in the country.  

Aeronautical Development Agency is encouraging the formation of the first Public Private partnership in the development of the AMCA program that will have a new production line in the Coimbatore area inside the Tamil Nadu Defence Industrial Corridor.

HAL plans to deliver the last batch of Tejas-Mk1A by 2029 and also start production of the LCA-AF MK2 by utilizing its Bengaluru and Nasik plant with an annual production capacity of 24 jets but if the program faces any delays and the AMCA program stay on course then orders that were meant for the LCA-AF MK2 units might shift to the AMCA-Mk2 that will go into full-scale production from 2035 onwards.

IAC-2 Soon, Akash Prime Test, Tapas user evaluation trials

User evaluation trials of India's TAPAS UAV has started India's Tactical Airborne Platform for Aerial Surveillance (TAPAS), medium...

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