Showing posts with label NLOS For Apache Fleet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NLOS For Apache Fleet. Show all posts

IAF Needs NLOS For Apache Fleet, S500 vs Drdo's BMD, IAF Backs 6th Gen Jets?

India remains mum on S-500 offer by Russia, likely to back DRDO Program instead

Russia plans to offer its cutting edge S-500 anti aircraft missile systems to India in the future, but India till now has remained tight lipped on the offer as its starts receiving the first batch of S-400 Very Long Range Air defense system from Russia. The S-500 system on offer that Russia claims can intercept intercontinental Ballistic missiles, as well as hypersonic cruise missiles, and will supplement the current S-400 system is not a priority for the Armed forces as of now.

S-400 will strengthen India’s Air Defense network against fast manoeuvring jets and force multipliers that work in the background due to long range of 400km but has a limited role in intercepting Intermediate ranged Ballistic missiles for which DRDO’s Ballistic Missile Defence program will be used to engage and neutralize short and medium range Ballistic Missile coming from Pakistan and China and recent satellite imaginary confirms the start of Phase-I deployment of long range Radars and Interceptor missiles system that will be used to safeguard National Capital Delhi and Mumbai has commenced to protect against Intermediate ranged Ballistic missiles .

DRDO’s Phase-II under Ballistic Missile Defence program will see the development of Two new Interceptor missiles that will be able to intercept intercontinental Ballistic missiles as well as Long range Hypersonic glide and cruise missiles and these next generation interceptor missiles will be much more suitable to intercept next generation hypersonic missiles system then S-500 system on offer to India.

While DRDO has been tight lipped about India’s Ballistic Missile Defence program but it is confirmed that new long range interceptor missiles that are under development will factor in and have the ability to intercept hypersonic glide and hypersonic cruise missiles that can change trajectories and can manoeuver towards its targets making it much more difficult to be intercepted by present Ballistic Missile Defence systems. DRDO is also working on Two Hypersonic cruise missiles system of its own.

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The Indian Air Force and Indian Army Apache fleet need NLOS missiles

In a highly consequential technological development, the AH-64E Apache attack helicopter is likely to see its lethality increase significantly with the introduction of a new Israeli developed Spike Non Line of Sight (NLOS) missile. The United States Army’s heliborne aviation wing, which operates the AH-64 Apache is gearing up to equip and integrate this capability for its fleet. Spike NLOS is integrated with an electro optical guidance system or camera that gives the Spike NLOS day and night vision.

The missile has a 25 kilometre range, which is connected by a wireless data link system to the Apache from which it is launched. The Israeli manufacturing entity Rafael says: “The Spike NLOS system is a member of the world renowned Spike Family”. Its additional features include being able to attack targets at standoff ranges without line of sight.

According to the manufacturer, it can be employed in a whole range of battlefield scenarios such as in anti-armour or tank operations, counter-insurgency missions, standoff attacks geared for supporting Special Forces operations and small unit missions.

It’s time IAF starts backing 5th and 6th Generation jet programs

IAF is considering jumping from 4.5 generation Tejas Mk1A to 5th generation AMCA program that will mean the Tejas Mk2 program more or less will be scrapped if the IAF get to take the shot and the Ministry of Defence decides to take a back seat. AMCA will start arriving from 2035 onwards and at least three to four countries might have flown or at least demonstrated sixth generation technology on aircraft that will enter service sometime in 2035-40.

BAE Systems led Tempest and the Dassault Aviation-led Future Combat Air System F-Cas and America’s Next Generation Air Dominance (NGad) are already in the works and it also seems Russia and China will also join the bandwagon by 2035 for which these countries are developing next generation swarming drones and a combat cloud designed to ensure information superiority.

India’s 5th generation AMCA Program is officially yet to take off and India will be the last country to join the 5th generation bandwagon that means it will have a considerable fleet of 5th generation jets only in 2035-45.

India will also be the last of the countries that will join the 6th generation fighter program if it ever can develop successfully a 5th generation platform first. IAF even in 2040 will be made up of 90% of 4.5 generation fighter. Yes 4.5 generation fighters will not disappear not at least till 2050-60 worldwide but their strength in terms of composition in the combat fleet will be less than 40-30% in most of the airforces around the world as 5th generation jets will take majority of the fleet. 

IAC-2 Soon, Akash Prime Test, Tapas user evaluation trials

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