Showing posts with label Khibiny-U EW suite For Su-30. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Khibiny-U EW suite For Su-30. Show all posts

T-90S Bhishma Upgrade, Khibiny-U EW suite For Sukhoi-30, P-75i Last Purchase, Talwar Guided Missile Frigate Offer, PLA Tibet Military Drill

Russia, India negotiating upgrade of T-90S Bhishma MBTs, says RosoboronExport

RosoboronExport (part of the Rostec state corporation) is holding consultations with New Dehli on upgrading India’s T-90S Bhishma Main Battle Tanks.

A number of modernized systems for the Indian T-90S tanks have undergone preliminary trials. Preliminary trials of several modernized systems installed on the Indian provided tanks, have been carried out.

Right now, RosoboronExport is moving toward the final tests, following which a decision will be made on installing the modernized systems on the tanks.

RosoboronExport is ready to look into the supply of the modernized T-90MS tanks to India. The Indian side has not applied to RosoboronExport for deliveries of T-90MS tanks, however, firm confirm its readiness to consider any request if they receive one.

Russia to offer India to modernize Talwar class guided missile frigates

Russia’s state arms seller RosoboronExport intends to make an offer to India to upgrade Project-11356 Talwar class guided missile frigates built by Russia for the Indian Navy.

The Russian side earlier made offers for the modernization of the supplied warships during their repairs. RosoboronExport and the United Shipbuilding Corporation are preparing to deliver their joint offers to their partners in 2021. But, of course, it is up to the Indian side to make a decision.

The contracts that have been signed and are being implemented on their additional construction in Russia and on organizing their construction in India are the best proof of this. The Indian Navy currently operates six Project-11356 Talwar class guided missile frigates.

Russia offers its latest EW suite for India’s Sukhoi-30MKI fleet

Amid Hectic price negotiation currently underway by HAL with Russia’s state arms exporter, Rosoboronexport for the procurement of 12 Su-30MKI for the Indian Air Force (IAF) after the old price couldn’t be agreed upon due to variations in some of the systems, including inflation adjustments that has been proposed in the last batch of the Su-30MKI that IAF plans to procure to supplement nine that were lost in crashes over the years.

The Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) had manufactured the last two Su-30MKIs of the 272 aircraft contracted from Russia earlier this year and the deal for procurement of additional 12 Su-30MKIs is presently pending before the Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) due to a higher quote given for the supply kits of the Su-30MKI from the OEM said informed officials to the

Out of 12 planned for the IAF, at least two will be used a Flying Test Bed (FTB) for the proposed ” Super Sukhoi” Upgrade program under which HAL plans to equip it with the latest Touch-based Multi-function displays, DR118 a new generation Radar Warning Receiver (RWR), upgraded navigation equipment, Uttam AESA Fire control Radar (FCR), Aircraft Self Protection Jammers (ASPJ), Infrared search and track technology (IRST) system developed by Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) for which Russian OEM assistance has been requested. Russia also has been offering its Su-30SM Block-II upgrade kit that includes new AL-41F engines.

Russia in the latest round of talks has offered India its “Khibiny-U Electronic Warfare system” that is an under fuselage mounted unit to provide cover for an air grouping against enemy radars and space-based assets.

Russia claims that Khibiny-U boosts Electronic Warfare capabilities against high technology adversaries and effectively transforms the platform into an Electronic Warfare aircraft operating in support of a fighter group.

Khibiny-U protects small air groups from enemy radars and air defense, meaning virtual stealth cover for these groupings against potential adversaries.

Russian SAP-518 jammer pods are mounted on the wing tips of the Sukhoi 30MKI but due to their weight, they reduce the aircraft’s ammunition payloads but Khibiny-U won’t replace SAP-518 instead it can be used as standalone on each aircraft or one aircraft in the group as an EW asset that can be used as cover for the others in the group.

Last time India will buy foreign P-75I attack submarine: Navy Chief

Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral Karambir Singh speaking to the Indian media justified procurement of conventional attack submarine SSK from a foreign country under Transfer of Technology agreement for the last time under  Project-75I so that Public Private sector ecosystem in the country for the development of local SSK will be created.

Singh also said that the Navy is yet to master some of the niche technologies in subsystem development and level design capabilities that are required for the development of an indigenous SSK submarines that the Navy plans to achieve after executing the P-75I program for the development of six next generation conventional attack submarines SSK.

Indian Navy’s plan to develop 6 units of 5MW Propulsion motor from the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) under the Indigenously Designed Developed and Manufactured (IDDM) category. The Propulsion motor draws its power from the main battery of the submarine which eventually drives a propeller through a single shaft. What will be the application of this 5MW Electric Propulsion motor is yet to be revealed but it’s unlikely to be used on the existing submarine fleet in the Indian Navy. Electric Propulsion motors that generate power output for the shaft in a range of 5-6MW are usually seen on Diesel-Electric submarines that have submerged displacement of 3000-4000 metric tons.

Joint PLA drill in Tibet sends strong warning to India

A recent joint operation drill in which the People’s Liberation Army in Tibet deployed more than 10 combat units to seize a battlefield from their “enemy” on a peak in the Himalayas was designed to send a warning to India.

The Tibet Military District under the Western Theatre Command, which is responsible for China’s border with India, mobilised several brigades and divided them into two teams: the PLA and a rival “blue army.

Combat units joining the drill included an elite regiment from the military district, alpine troops, forces with tanks and military vehicles, artillery personnel, missile forces, drones, intelligence personnel, army aviation teams, and airborne troops.

The video aimed to warn the Indian side that the mountain brigades in the Tibet Military District are all well trained and combat ready.

IAC-2 Soon, Akash Prime Test, Tapas user evaluation trials

User evaluation trials of India's TAPAS UAV has started India's Tactical Airborne Platform for Aerial Surveillance (TAPAS), medium...

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