Showing posts with label Indian Navy At South China Sea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indian Navy At South China Sea. Show all posts

AMCA Tejas Nashik Plant, Harpoon Set Cleared, Kh-95 Soon, Satellite Killer S500, Indian Navy task force to deploy in South China Sea

The S-500 air defense system can shoot down military satellites

Unlike Russian bunker anti satellite missiles, the S-500 Prometheus system can be deployed secretly anywhere in the world to attack enemy military satellites.

The maximum target destruction range of the Russian S-500 Prometheus system is 200 kilometers (in terms of altitude), which is not only suitable for intercepting enemy ballistic missiles but can also be used to destroy spaceships.

The S-500 system is not officially considered an anti-satellite system, however, in terms of its height range, this gives it the opportunity to engage multiple targets in space that no other system in the world can do yet.

To Dominate Both Airspace & Outer-Space, Russia Developing ‘Super Lethal’ Kh-95 Hypersonic Missile

The military believes that dominance in airspace and outer space is necessary to successfully conduct combat activities.

This superiority, in particular, is ensured by the effective use of strike and fighter aircraft.

It is for this purpose that such new and modernized models of weapons, military and special equipment, such as the Tu-160M strategic missile carrier bomber, the Kinzhal “dagger” hypersonic airborne missile system, high-precision long range airborne weapons, in particular the Kh-95 hypersonic missile, are being developed and introduced into service for the Russian Aerospace Forces.

The cutting-edge hypersonic missile was set to be used as part of the modernized Tu-22M3M long-range bomber, the modernized Tu-160M strategic bomber and the so called Prospective Aviation Complex for Long Range Aviation strategic bomber.

Indian Navy task force to deploy in South China Sea & Next Edition Of Malabar Exercise to begin soon

The Indian Navy is deploying a naval task group comprising four frontline warships to the South China Sea, Western Pacific and South East Asia for over two months beginning early August, in a significant move aimed at enhancing its profile in the strategically key sea lanes. In the course of their deployment, the ships will participate in the next edition of the Malabar exercise alongside the navies of Japan, Australia, the US in the Western Pacific.

It will be the second consecutive year when navies of all four member countries of Quad will carry out the mega naval wargame. China has been suspicious about the purpose of the Malabar exercise as it feels that the wargame is a part of efforts to contain its influence in the Indo-Pacific region.

In pursuit of India’s “Act East” policy and to enhance military cooperation with friendly countries, a task force of Indian Navy’s Eastern Fleet is scheduled to proceed on an overseas deployment to South East Asia, the South China Sea and Western Pacific from early August for over two months.

US Approves Sale Of Harpoon Joint Common Test Sets To India Worth US Dollar 82 Million

The United States has approved the sale of Harpoon Joint Common Test Set and related equipment to India for an estimated cost of US Dollar 82 million. The Pentagon’s Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified the US in this regard Monday.

The proposed Foreign Military Sale, the State Department said, will improve India’s capability to meet current and future threats by providing with flexible and efficient Harpoon missile maintenance capabilities to ensure maximum force readiness. 

Nothing that India will have no difficulty absorbing this equipment into its armed forces, the Pentagon said the proposed sale of this equipment and support would not alter the basic military balance in the region.

The principal contractor will be The Boeing Company. There are no known offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale. Any offset agreement required by India will be defined in negotiations between the purchaser and the contractors.

Nashik Plant to be revamped for production of additional Tejas

State-owned plane-maker Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) is taking steps to convert its present MiG Complex located in Ojhar Township, Nasik (Maharashtra) to be used as an additional production facility for locally developed LCA-Tejas Mk1 and Mk2 program in the next few years and systematically raise the production capacity of the plant that is now idle but was previously used to manufacture Russian supplied Sukhoi 30 MKI fighter jets.

HAL plans to initially create a production facility for 5 additional Tejas Mk1A/Mk2 per annum over three already commissioned plants that can produce 16 LCAs every year.

LCA Division (Plant A) has an annual capacity to manufacture 5 units and HAL’s Aircraft Division another 3 units. Earlier this year a new LCA Division (Plant B) at Doddanekkundi was inaugurated that can manufacture 8 more units per year that will be used to manufacture 16 jets per annum from 2022-23 onwards.

HAL plans to expand Nashik Plant production capacity eventually to 8 aircraft per annum so that it can have manufacturing capabilities for 24 aircraft per year from 2025-26 onwards.

HAL plans to have a dedicated facility for manufacturing of the 5th generation AMCA in the new proposed Coimbatore plant to be located in the Tamil Nadu Defence Industrial Corridor once it enters production in 2035.

IAC-2 Soon, Akash Prime Test, Tapas user evaluation trials

User evaluation trials of India's TAPAS UAV has started India's Tactical Airborne Platform for Aerial Surveillance (TAPAS), medium...

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