Showing posts with label India wants Russian S500. Show all posts
Showing posts with label India wants Russian S500. Show all posts

India wants Russian S500, WZ-7 UAV Along LAC, China Deploys S400, Indian Army Needs Robust Artillery Gun

After J-20 Mighty Dragon, China Introduces WZ-7 ‘Soaring Dragon’ Meant To Keep A Hawk Eye On Indian Troops

The high altitude reconnaissance drone, considered China’s answer to the US’ Global Hawk, meets a similar role, particularly to scan the Western Pacific, Taiwanese and Japanese naval assets, and by extension reconnaissance missions at the Himalayan border with India.

Featuring a tandem diamond wing design, the large WZ-7 has a long endurance, single jet engine, most likely believed to be the WS-10 that was earlier used to power the J-10 and J-20 fighter jets, Artificial Intelligence enabled networking and sensor fusion, highly encrypted jamming resistant data links to share battlefield information with fighting forces and ISR links with Chinese satellites.

This will give China unprecedented surveillance capabilities, in line with its ‘Intelligentized Warfare’, The drone is being displayed in public means it has been inducted in service with PLA Navy and PLA Airforce units.

China Deploying S-400 Missile Defence System, Building New Accommodations Along LAC

In a move that is possibly aimed at conveying its willingness to remain deployed along the frontier with India in large numbers, the People's Liberation Army of China has built new troop shelters and fortifications along the Line of Actual Control with India.

According to a report based on latest intelligence and surveillance accounts, China has built new modular container-based accommodations for its soldiers at at-least eight forward locations along the LAC.

The new shelters have been seen in Wahab Zilga near the Karakoram Pass in the north, and in Piue, Hot Springs, Chang La, Tashigong, Manza and Churup, moving south along the LAC.

China has also deployed two batteries of S-400 surface to air missiles and other air defence assets in the region.

Satellite images recently revealed that China is also building a helicopter base in Aksai Chin.

The PLA base is located only 130 kilometres away from the Galwan Valley in north eastern Ladakh, where 20 Indians were martyred and dozens of Chinese soldiers were killed in clashes on 15 June last year.

Moscow claims India may buy Russian S-500 anti-space weapon defense system in world first arms deal, despite risk of US sanctions

An advanced new anti-aircraft rocket system hailed as the first ever capable of taking out incoming missiles from low space orbit could be snapped up by Indian defense chiefs in a move likely to anger the US. Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov told journalists on Thursday that New Delhi could “potentially” become the first foreign capital to place an order for the S-500. However, he said, equipping Russia’s own troops with the latest technology would have to be completed before it is considered for sale overseas.

The S-500 is a cutting-edge rocket system capable of taking out fighter jets flying at the fastest speeds, as well as reportedly being capable of hitting even hypersonic weapons in near Earth space. It represents the first generation of anti-space weapons, and that no other such systems currently exist.

However, the US has attempted to block international sales of the rocket system’s predecessor, the S-400, even imposing sanctions for placing an order.

Despite the threat of sanctions, more than a dozen nations placed orders for the S-400, including India.

Need a robust and reliable gun, says Army as artillery modernisation plan faces hiccups

22 years after the Army finalised the Field Artillery Rationalisation Programme, under which a mix of around 3,000-3,600 howitzers were to be procured by 2025-27, the modernisation plan is facing hiccups as two major indigenous programmes have failed to fire off fully.

At a media briefing Monday on the eve of Gunners’ Day, Lieutenant General TK Chawla, Director General Artillery, weighed in on the challenges facing the Advanced Towed Artillery Gun System Atags, and Dhanush, known as the ‘desi Bofors’, as he emphasised the importance of indigenous defence manufacturing.

The more important of the two projects is Atags, being developed by the DRDO along with private firms Bharat Forge and TATA Powers SED.

A lot of handholding has been done by the Army, both for Atags and Dhanush, Army wants both the programmes to succeed. There are advantages in going indigenous and technology being developed within the country.

IAC-2 Soon, Akash Prime Test, Tapas user evaluation trials

User evaluation trials of India's TAPAS UAV has started India's Tactical Airborne Platform for Aerial Surveillance (TAPAS), medium...

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