Showing posts with label AMCA MK2 To Get EOTS System. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AMCA MK2 To Get EOTS System. Show all posts

AMCA's Electro Optical Targeting System, Russia Waves Royalty for Ak-203, Trident II SLBM, China Revealed Carrier Based J20

AMCA's Electro Optical Targeting System, Russia Waves Royalty for Ak-203, Trident II SLBM, China Revealed Carrier Based J20

AMCA-Mk2 to get Electro Optical Targeting System

DRDO lab has started work on the development of a low drag, stealthy Electro Optical Targeting System for the AMCA Mk2 that will enter production in 2035. DRDO plans inhouse development of Electro Optical Targeting System that helps enhances pilot’s situational awareness and allows aircrews to identify areas of interest, perform reconnaissance and precisely deliver laser and GPS guided weapons.  

Electro Optical Targeting System will be made available in the AMCA Mk2 for which a separate team is working on the durable sapphire window that will be integrated into the AMCA’s fuselage that will house the forward looking infrared and infrared search and multi spectral sensing options, including high resolution mid wave infrared, short wave Infrared and near Infrared. It also comes with a larger aperture.  

Instruments Research and Development Establishment already has developed a 175 Kg Electro Optical Targeting System for UAV and Helicopter applications that is capable of tracking targets like UAVs and Drones at a range of 5 Kilometers. Electro Optical Targeting System for the AMCA Mk2 will have the ability to detect and track ballistic missiles to ranges exceeding 500-1000 kilometers and will also require to demonstrate the ability to detect and track multiple small suborbital rockets simultaneously in flight.

Amethi factory: Russia waives royalty in favour of technology transfer, AK-203 assault rifle contract gets green signal

With Russia waiving a royalty clause in favour of technology transfer, the green signal has been given for the deal to manufacture AK 203 assault rifles at the Amethi factory. The Rs 5,124 crore contract is likely to be inked in the coming months, with production expected to commence next year.

All issues related to the cost and indigenisation content that had held back the project till now have now been sorted out and a go ahead has been given by the Rajnath Singh led Defence Acquisition Council. The Russian side had asked for a royalty on each rifle being produced in India. This has now been waived and India will pay for technology transfer, waiving the royalty.

This move would result in saving of at least Rs 200 crore in the coming years and would ensure that India gets the know how to produce modern assault rifles that can also be exported in future. As part of the contract, 70,000 rifles will be imported directly from Russia while 6,01,427 will be produced by an OFB & Kalashnikov joint venture.

US Navy Awards Lockheed Martin Contract To Produce Trident II Submarine Launched Ballistic Missiles

The US Navy has awarded Lockheed Martin Space a $445 million contract to produce Trident II submarine launched nuclear ballistic missiles. Work on the contract is expected to be completed by September 2026.

Earlier this year, the US had successfully tested an unarmed life extended Trident II ballistic missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead, the missile was launched from the Ohio class ballistic missile submarine SSBN 741 off the coast of San Diego, California.

The Trident II strategic weapon system, originally designed with a life span to 2024, recently underwent a life extension that will keep it operational through the late 2040s, according to the US Navy.

Submarine launched ballistic missiles (SLBM) – Trident II comprise about 70 percent of the US nuclear deterrent, which also includes the US Air Force’s intercontinental ballistic missiles and nuclear capable bombers.

China’s J-20 Stealth Fighter Jet Capable Of Rivalling F-22 Raptors Revealed For First Time

Earlier this week, China revealed their newest military carrier based fighter jets at the Zhuhai Air Show. The dual engined J-20 flew above the heads of onlookers, powered by domestically engineered and manufactured engines. The full unveiling is set to occur later this year, although no specific date has been set yet. It's the first time the Chinese public and global viewers got a look at the jet in a public demonstration.

Powering the newest J-20 stealth fighter jets are two Chinese made WS-10 engines, which were first developed by the PLA Air Force to replace the previous Russian jet engines used in Chinese aircraft.

These jets are now fully built in China, which will make mass production faster and easier. These carrier-based jets are the most advanced stealth fighters in China's military fleet and are set to challenge the American F-22 fighter jets.

IAC-2 Soon, Akash Prime Test, Tapas user evaluation trials

User evaluation trials of India's TAPAS UAV has started India's Tactical Airborne Platform for Aerial Surveillance (TAPAS), medium...

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